yesterday I've discovered some anime under the name of HEROIC AGE .. its good if u like robot and cyborg fighting anime's .. i donno exactly but a friend of mine said that the mangaka of the will known anime CODE GEASS is the same mangaka of this one and he made it between season1 and season2 of CODE GEASS .. i guess so..it has a very ancient feeling about 4 different races that live in a Galaxy ..the golden tribe which resembles the makers of the universe ..the sliver tribe ...the bronze tribe ..and the iron tribe which is the mankind...but there was a legendary tribe which everyone thought that they have vanished ...until one day a strange boy appeared living alone on a deserted planet ....its amazing u should all see it ...
anim3lov3r4ev3rs - just reading this review makes me want to watch this anime - code geass is one of my favorite anime - so i will watch this anime soon haha.